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Witchcraft for Beginners

In this guide to Witchcraft for Beginners, help you choose your path to sorcery and black magic.

Witchcraft and magic have become a notable interest among the younger generations, who seem to be attracted by its allure of love, power, and money. The craft is described as potent old-world practices that have been incorporated with modern paganism. Some experts describe it as a mixture of religious practices and the occult. With enough practice, there is an expectation that you will one day be successful in casting spells accurately and with finesse.

Witchcraft is gradually turning into a mainstream method of life, an option that is other than Christianity, Islam or Judaism, and other established expressions on the planet. Since witches don’t have any formal ceremonies, numerous individuals consider this mystery society to be a reality simply after they experience it. Most witches call their way of life Wicca. They have taken the antiquated witchcraft customs, which were utilized by individuals who trusted that they can control the energies around them to bring karma, riches, and love into their lives. Current witches mostly utilize spells in the place of the petition, all to request certain energies from the universe.

With the rise of technology, new methods for ancient practices have been created. Whether that be a cauldron with a light bulb, a broomstick, or some rubber bands, anything can turn into a powerful wand. Black magic has been in the shadows historically but with the breakthrough of technology, it is becoming even easier to find resources.

In these uncertain times, with discourse swirling around identity politics and growing concern surrounding climate change, the tide is turning towards deeper modes of existence and sometimes radical acts of magic. In the face of increasing spiritual uncertainty, young people are looking for their truths and creating their own experiences with magic. The spiritual and metaphysical aspects of spirituality, as well as the free ‘follow your own spiritual pathway’ approach with magic. It appeals to young people today who are moving away from traditional religions and belief systems. Many people are leaving their faiths because of the lack of answers and guidance in their lives. They are looking for something more meaningful, and witchcraft somehow is providing them enough reasons.

Witchcraft for Beginners – Choosing your historical base

To practice witchcraft, first of all, you have to choose a path. With such a wide range of options available to the beginner, the options can be overwhelming and confusing to those just starting. The best option is to learn a little about each type before deciding which ones are right for you.


Paganism was the spiritual belief of pre-Christian Europe, popular in ancient Rome and Greece. Essentially, paganism is any non-Abrahamic religion. This could include Wicca, Druidism, or other forms of witchcraft among many others. Today, it’s mainly practiced by neopagans.


Wicca is a neo-pagan, nature-based religion that developed from a collection of beliefs and practices arising from individuals in Great Britain during the mid-to late-twentieth century. Alternative names for Wicca include Craft, Old Religion, and Pagan Witchcraft. It is sometimes referred to as the “Ancient Art” or “Old Religion.” Wicca can be understood as an approach to reviving pre-Christian European religion. Another way of understanding Wicca provides a place for people who believe that all existence is interconnected, who feel called to live close to nature, and who believe that we are capable and responsible for our activities.


Eclecticism is a more-friendly course for the individuals who decide not to adhere to a specific classification but rather blend customs however they see fit. Eclecticism was a popular philosophy and method of art that encouraged borrowing from diverse sources while retaining the original unique identity of each element’s culture.


The initiation is a Wiccan ritual that marks the formal beginning of a witch’s magical career. Traditionally, Wiccan initiations are performed in groups known as covens. In the initiation ceremony, wannabe Wiccans undergo a symbolic rebirth, a shedding of their non-magical pasts. The ceremony, which often takes place around a bonfire or other type of lighted fire, can vary widely from tradition to tradition or even from coven to coven, but it generally shares key features with all other initiations.

Black Magic:

Black magic also called dark magic, or black magick has nothing to do with the white magic of healing and helping. Instead, it is a type of wizardry used with malevolent and evil intentions involving demons and possibly even Satan himself. Spells have been utilized for a variety of purposes since the days of the Magi of Zoroastrianism and Ancient Egypt, but those that are specifically used for harmful designs are known as hexes and curses.


Séance, a French word that means “a sitting,” is a meeting of those wishing to contact the dead. A séance is an endeavor to speak with spirits. Participants sit around a table in the dark, hold hands, and after some time ask questions of the deceased. A medium supposedly channels the spirit and converts its response into audible words.

Risks of performing Witchcraft:

Be careful while calling yourself a witch. You might get burned at the stake. While this case is rare, it has happened before and could happen again. So, be careful out there. Often, the risks of witchcraft are not obvious. Witchcraft is not simply harmless fooling around, and the dangers can be especially real for children. Be sure to teach your children about witchcraft safety before doing any spells with them.

Witchcraft is not just fun and games. Advantages like curses and love potions can come at a cost. The notorious Salem witch trials may seem long gone, but the persecution of witches (or those suspected of witchcraft) continues today. While media depictions of witchcraft have contributed to the craft’s growing appeal, recent years have also seen an estimated 900 percent jump in (sometimes fatal) child abuse cases linked to the prevention of black magic and satanic belonging in the U.K.

Of course, there are protections against harm, as the counter curse. The easiest one, though, is just not to go around bragging about your newly discovered identity.

Witchcraft for Beginners – are we ready to cast our first spell?

No, clearly not. This guide to Witchcraft for Beginners is really just a background on Witchcraft. Your next step is to find some resources that will help you cast basic spells. With some more research and practice, you are on your way to conjuring the energies of the universe. Modern witchcraft for beginners is a good book you can pick up on the topic.